What is Staking?
This is a temporary freeze/placement of CONE coins in order to receive additional HoneyCoin rewards from the system. During the game HoneyCoin is charged as a commission from each bear for each completed action (transaction). The commissions are then distributed among all Stakers as well as a fixed percentage.
Trees - an element, which increases the amount of air for the game. By planting trees you increase the air, mint new CONES and receive them as an aditional balance in staking.
The decentralization process of the game comes from the freezing of СONE coins. This is done by granting voting rights to those who Stake, and their votes count towards any and all game updates.
To receive CONES back on a wallet, players should wait finishing the unstaking process (21-30 days). They can start an unstaking process up to 7 times at the same time.
The commission fee collection model:
100% of the commission fees paid by the bears for in-game transactions are distributed among ALL Staking CONE holders.
50% of the commission fees from the cost of game items purchased are also distributed among ALL Staking CONE holders too. The remaining 50% is burned.
From 10% to 30% a year is a percentage for staking. The percentage depends on the ratio of staking CONE to the total number of CONE. The system strives to get 67% of the CONE in staking. That is why if at some moment of time there is less than 67% of CONE in the staking, the system increases the percentage of payout up to 30% by itself.
Last updated